OC Bagpiper
I have played the Scottish highland bagpipes since 1982, and would love to play for you. Bagpipes can bring a lot of fun, excitement, and memories to weddings and other special days. My musical experience as a pianist, organist and composer, helps me coordinate with other musicians. I have played with symphony orchestras, concert bands, organists, and even a steel drum band (I am sorry I didn’t get a recording of that one!).

Seeing and hearing bagpipes up close, especially for the first time, can be very thrilling. I have done many demonstrations for school and private parties. How do pipes work? What are the different parts? What does the bag actually do? People always have lots of questions. And kid’s reactions are priceless.

I live and work in Orange County, California, where I grew up in a musical family. If you poke around the other parts of this website, you will see lots of other musical things I do.
Go to this page for compositions and arrangements for bagpipes:
I studied piping under James McColl, won the major amateur piping contests in California, placed in some open contests, and played in several Southern California pipe bands:
- The Gordon Greys – Pipe Major Kevin Blandford
- Cabar Feidh – P/M Andy Ross and James McColl
- Beach Cities Pipe Band – P/M Scott MacDonald
- LAPD Pipe Band – P/M John Massie
Click here to go to the recording, Bagpipes at NHHS
Here is a sampling of tunes I have played for various occasions.
Original and Irish music. Pipes, whistle, flute and other instruments:
Pipes for weddings and other occasions:
And for something even more different. Celtic Epic for pipes with Concert Band.
Concerto for Highland Bagpipes and Orchestra composed in 1989, performed in Brazil , 2018.
And for more videos, see this YouTube playlist.
Email me with any questions. If I can’t help you, I probably know someone who can.