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Original Compositions – Sheet Music
See what I have available on Sheet Music Plus:
JOAN – Opera, libretto by Alyssa Wills
Instrumental Sheet Music: Orchestra, band, piano, bagpipes and other instruments.
15 years of work with the Garden Grove Symphony (later the Orange County Symphony) was great on the job training for learning and honing skills in orchestration, composition, and engraving.
Vocal Sheet Music: Solo voice, choirs, a cappella or with accompaniment,
sacred, secular, classical, musical theater and commercial styles.
I started accompanying, rehearsing, coaching and directing choirs, soloists, and musical theater productions regularly in 1975.
This work has helped me keep in tune with what singers need in music.
Catholic Congregational Masses
- Download albums of piano music, bagpipes, some of my past recitals and more.
- High quality MP3 files.
- Printable, foldable PDF booklet.

After keyboard instruments, the Scottish Highland bagpipes are most requested. It certainly has brought the most interesting jobs. After a person contacted me through many other people, saying they had a hard time finding a bagpiper in Orange County, California, I put together an OC Bagpiper page on this site and Facebook. I know lots of pipers, so if I am not available to play for you, perhaps I can help you find another piper.

Other information
Contact Me: Ask Kevin about his music, hire him for a performance; or even suggest a new piece.
More info: Biographical and other helpful information.
Purchase. A link to a PDF, MP3 or ZIP file will be sent to you. You save it, keep it, print it.
- Use your PayPal account to receive an instant reply email with your personal link.
- Non PayPal credit card orders take up to 24 hours to process, sorry.
- Print parts for choir or instrumental ensemble.
- Purchasers may submit videos and recordings to be used as examples.
- Q-R codes printed on the sheet music link you directly to that title’s page on this site.
- Some of Kevin’s music is available through J.W. Pepper & Son, Inc.

Paperback book by Cecile Weed – “Journey to Healthy Celiac Living”

Healthy Celiac Living
by Cecile H. Weed
paperback, 97 pages.
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Click here to contact Michael and see more of his work.
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