Startle Us, God
Solo voice and Piano.
Poem by Shirley Erena Murray
Music by Kevin Weed
Startle us, God, by the signs of Your Spirit around us!
Shake us awake for the trust of Your Word to astound us!
Rattle our doors,
give our discomfort no pause,
rouse us for work You have found us!
Wake us to see where the winds of the city are blowing,
facing the brokers of power where the currents are flowing.
finding the lost,
learning what justice may cost,
feeling the pain of our growing.
Shock us by showing us Jesus, his style of direction,
welcoming, never conventional in his selection,
Open our minds,
teach us how prejudice blinds,
colors our culture’s reflection.
Startle us, God, into confident high expectation,
knowing the hope and the promise of new revelation,
taking Your part
praising with mind and with heart,
honoring all Your creation.